IP Intelligence

IP Intelligence Verification endpoint is a security solution that helps in verifying the authenticity and credibility of the IP addresses accessing a website or online service.

The endpoint can help protect against various types of cyber threats, including fraud, spam, hacking, and other malicious activities. It is an essential tool for online businesses and organizations that rely on the internet to conduct their operations.







Request Header

api-keyYour Secret Key

Request Body

ip_addressIP address

Sample Response

    "success": true,
    "status": "00",
    "response": {
        "geolocation": {
            "status": "success",
            "continent": "Africa",
            "continentCode": "AF",
            "country": "Nigeria",
            "countryCode": "NG",
            "region": "LA",
            "regionName": "Lagos",
            "city": "Lagos",
            "district": "",
            "zip": "",
            "lat": 6.4474,
            "lon": 3.3903,
            "timezone": "Africa/Lagos",
            "offset": 3600,
            "currency": "NGN",
            "isp": "SP 217",
            "org": "",
            "as": "AS37340 SPECTRANET LIMITED",
            "asname": "Spectranet",
            "reverse": "",
            "mobile": true,
            "proxy": false,
            "hosting": false,
            "query": ""
        "ats": {
            "is-hijacked": false,
            "is-spider": false,
            "is-tor": false,
            "is-dshield": false,
            "is-vpn": false,
            "ip": "",
            "is-spyware": false,
            "is-spam-bot": false,
            "blocklists": [],
            "last-seen": 0,
            "is-bot": false,
            "sensors": [],
            "list-count": 0,
            "cidr": "",
            "is-listed": false,
            "is-proxy": false,
            "is-malware": false,
            "is-exploit-bot": false
        "black_list": []

Response Description

successIndicates whether the request was successful ("true") or not ("false").
statusA status code that represents the result of the request.
responseContains an array of information about the IP address
geolocationGeolocation information for the given IP address.
statusA status code indicating the result of the request.
continentContinent where the IP address is located.
continentCodeTwo-letter code representing the continent.
countryCountry where the IP address is located.
countryCodeTwo-letter code representing the country.
regionRegion code of the IP address location.
regionNameName of the region where the IP address is located.
cityCity where the IP address is located.
districtDistrict or area within the city.
zipZIP or postal code of the location.
latLatitude coordinate of the location.
lonLongitude coordinate of the location.
timezoneTimezone of the location.
offsetTimezone offset from UTC in seconds.
currencyCurrency used in the country.
ispInternet Service Provider (ISP) information.
orgOrganization associated with the IP address.
asAutonomous System (AS) number and name.
reverseReverse DNS information, if available.
mobileIndicates if the IP address is associated with a mobile network.
proxyIndicates if the IP address is a proxy server.
hostingIndicates if the IP address is associated with a hosting service.
queryThe queried IP address.
atsATS stands for "Advanced Threat Score." It represents a risk score indicating the likelihood that the IP address is associated with malicious activities or threats.
is-hijackedIndicates if the IP address is hijacked.
is-spiderIndicates if the IP address is a spider or crawler.
is-torIndicates if the IP address is a TOR exit node.
is-dshieldIndicates if the IP address is associated with DShield.
is-vpnIndicates if the IP address belongs to a VPN.
ipThe IP address being analyzed.
is-spywareIndicates if the IP address is associated with spyware.
is-spam-botIndicates if the IP address is a spam bot.
blocklistsList of blocklists associated with the IP address.
last-seenTimestamp indicating when the IP address was last seen.
is-botIndicates if the IP address is associated with a bot.
sensorsList of sensors associated with the IP address.
list-countCount of listings associated with the IP address.
cidrCIDR notation of the IP address.
is-listedIndicates if the IP address is listed on any blocklist.
is-proxyIndicates if the IP address is a proxy.
malwareIndicates if the IP address is associated with malware.
exploit-botIndicates if the IP address is an exploit bot.
black_listList of blacklists associated with the IP address.