Face Liveliness Check

Face authentication with liveliness check

Liveliness check is a feature that ensures the person being authenticated is physically present and not just a photograph or video.

With this endpoint, users can provide their facial features as input to the system, which will then perform a liveliness check to ensure that the user is present and not just a still image or pre-recorded video. This ensures the security and reliability of the authentication process, as it reduces the risk of unauthorized access by fraudulent means.



image: https://res.cloudinary.com/dh3i1wodq/image/upload/v1675417496/cbimage_3_drqdoc.jpg




Request Header

app-idYour App ID
x-api-keyYour Secret Key

Request Body

imageUser's image url(png, jpg, base64)

Sample Response

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Liveliness Detected",
    "confidence": 0.99,
    "confidence_in_percentage": 99.9

Response Description

statusIndicates that the request was successful.
detailIndicates the detail of the response.
confidenceRepresents the confidence score associated with the liveliness detection.
confidence_in_percentageProvides the confidence score in percentage form for easier interpretation.