Credit Bureau Consumer(Individual)-Advance

Get advance credit details of a user

With this endpoint, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' financial behavior and make informed decisions about extending credit. You can get a comprehensive view of each customer's account, so you can better assess their creditworthiness and mitigate risk.

Even more, businesses will receive a wealth of information about each customer, including their repayment history score, number of accounts, and total outstanding debts, while gaining access to valuable data such as the email address associated with each account, and ultimately reducing the risk of fraudulent activity.

To use this endpoint, you need to provide these customer details- bank details, name, date of birth, and reference.



mode: ID

number: 22222222222

customer_name: Test Name

dob: 1990-08-01

customer_reference: 327395393




Request Header

app-idYour App ID
x-api-keyYour Secret Key

Request Body

modeeither ID or BIO
numberif mode is ID(Should be a BVN)
dobif mode is BIO(Date of Birth)
customer_nameYour customer's name
customer_referenceUnique customer reference

Sample Response

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Credit Check successful",
    "response_code": "00",
    "data": [
            "SubjectList": [
                    "ConsumerID": "2599049",
                    "SearchOutput": "Amos, Testi, , College Road Abaro Aladje",
                    "Reference": "2599049"
            "PersonalDetailsSummary": [
                    "ConsumerID": "2599049",
                    "Header": "PERSONAL DETAILS SUMMARY: Amos Testi ",
                    "ReferenceNo": null,
                    "Nationality": "Nigeria",
                    "NationalIDNo": "",
                    "PassportNo": null,
                    "DriversLicenseNo": null,
                    "BankVerificationNo": "22471069115",
                    "PencomIDNo": "",
                    "OtheridNo": "",
                    "BirthDate": "26/01/1977",
                    "Dependants": "0",
                    "Gender": "Female",
                    "MaritalStatus": null,
                    "ResidentialAddress1": "College Road Abaro Aladje",
                    "ResidentialAddress2": "Delta",
                    "ResidentialAddress3": "",
                    "ResidentialAddress4": " ",
                    "PostalAddress1": null,
                    "PostalAddress2": null,
                    "PostalAddress3": null,
                    "PostalAddress4": null,
                    "HomeTelephoneNo": null,
                    "WorkTelephoneNo": null,
                    "CellularNo": "",
                    "EmailAddress": "",
                    "EmployerDetail": null,
                    "PropertyOwnedType": "",
                    "Surname": "Amos",
                    "FirstName": "Testi",
                    "OtherNames": ""
            "CreditAccountSummary": [
                    "TotalMonthlyInstalment": "17,205.00",
                    "TotalOutstandingdebt": "66,586.00",
                    "TotalAccountarrear": "2",
                    "Amountarrear": "0.00",
                    "TotalAccounts": "6",
                    "TotalAccounts1": "0",
                    "TotalaccountinGodcondition": "5",
                    "TotalaccountinGoodcondition": "5",
                    "TotalNumberofJudgement": "0",
                    "TotalJudgementAmount": "0",
                    "LastJudgementDate": "-",
                    "TotalNumberofDishonoured": "0",
                    "TotalDishonouredAmount": "0.00",
                    "LastBouncedChequesDate": null,
                    "TotalMonthlyInstalment1": "0.00",
                    "TotalOutstandingdebt1": "0.00",
                    "TotalAccountarrear1": "0",
                    "Amountarrear1": "0.00",
                    "TotalaccountinGodcondition1": "0",
                    "TotalaccountinBadcondition": "0",
                    "TotalNumberofJudgement1": "0",
                    "TotalJudgementAmount1": "0",
                    "LastJudgementDate1": "-",
                    "TotalNumberofDishonoured1": "0",
                    "TotalDishonouredAmount1": "0.00",
                    "LastBouncedChequesDate1": null,
                    "Rating": "118"
            "AccountRating": [
                    "NoOfHomeLoanAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfHomeLoanAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfAutoLoanccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfAutoLoanAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfStudyLoanAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfStudyLoanAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfPersonalLoanAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfPersonalLoanAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfCreditCardAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfCreditCardAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfRetailAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfRetailAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfJointLoanAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfJointLoanAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfTelecomAccountsGood": "0",
                    "NoOfTelecomAccountsBad": "0",
                    "NoOfOtherAccountsGood": "6",
                    "NoOfOtherAccountsBad": "0"
            "EnquiryDetails": [
                    "SubscriberEnquiryResultID": null,
                    "ProductID": null,
                    "MatchingRate": null,
                    "SubscriberEnquiryEngineID": null

Response Description

SubjectListThis is an array of objects that represent the results of the CAC search. Each object contains information about a consumer's details.
ConsumerIDThe unique identifier for the consumer.
HeaderThe header of the consumer details.
ReferenceNoA reference number for the consumer details.
PersonalDetailsSummaryThis is an object that represents the personal details summary for a consumer. It contains various personal details of the consumer.
NationalityThe nationality of the consumer.
NationalIDNoThe national ID number of the consumer.
PassportNoThe passport number of the consumer.
DriversLicenseNoThe driver's license number of the consumer.
BankVerificationNoThe bank verification number of the consumer.
PencomIDNoThe Pencom ID number of the consumer.
OtheridNoAny other ID number of the consumer.
BirthDateThe date of birth of the consumer.
DependantsThe number of dependants of the consumer.
GenderThe gender of the consumer.
MaritalStatusThe marital status of the consumer.
ResidentialAddress1The first line of the consumer's residential address.
ResidentialAddress2The second line of the consumer's residential address.
ResidentialAddress3The third line of the consumer's residential address.
ResidentialAddress4The fourth line of the consumer's residential address.
PostalAddress1The first line of the consumer's postal address.
PostalAddress2The second line of the consumer's postal address.
PostalAddress3The third line of the consumer's postal address.
PostalAddress4The fourth line of the consumer's postal address.
HomeTelephoneNoThe consumer's home telephone number.
WorkTelephoneNoThe consumer's work telephone number.
CellularNoThe consumer's cellular number.
EmailAddressThe consumer's email address.
EmployerDetailThe employer details of the consumer.
PropertyOwnedTypeThe type of property that the consumer owns.
SurnameThe surname of the consumer.
FirstNameThe first name of the consumer.
OtherNamesAny other names of the consumer.
CreditAccountSummaryThis is an array of objects that represent the credit account summary for the consumer. Each object contains information about the consumer's credit accounts.
TotalMonthlyInstalmentThe total monthly installment amount for all of the consumer's accounts.
TotalOutstandingdebtThe total outstanding debt for all of the consumer's accounts.
TotalAccountarrearThe total number of accounts that are in arrears.
AmountarrearThe total amount of money that is owed on the accounts that are in arrears.
TotalAccountsThe total number of accounts that the consumer has.
TotalAccounts1The total number of accounts that are in good standing.
TotalaccountinGoodconditionThe total number of accounts that are in good condition.
TotalNumberofJudgementThe total number of judgments that have been issued against the consumer.
TotalJudgementAmountThe total amount of money that is owed on the judgments that have been issued against the consumer.
LastJudgementDateThe date of the most recent judgment that was issued against the consumer.
TotalNumberofDishonouredThe total number of times that the consumer has had a check or a payment bounced.
TotalDishonouredAmountThe total amount of money that has been lost due to bounced checks or payments.
LastBouncedChequesDateThe date of the most recent bounced check or payment.
RatingThe consumer's credit rating.
AccountRatingThis is an array that contains multiple objects, one for each type of account that the consumer has. Each object contains information about the number of accounts the consumer has in good and bad standing for different account types.
NoOfHomeLoanAccountsGoodThe number of home loan accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfHomeLoanAccountsBadThe number of home loan accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfAutoLoanccountsGoodThe number of auto loan accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfAutoLoanAccountsBadThe number of auto loan accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfStudyLoanAccountsGoodThe number of study loan accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfStudyLoanAccountsBadThe number of study loan accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfPersonalLoanAccountsGoodThe number of personal loan accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfPersonalLoanAccountsBadThe number of personal loan accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfCreditCardAccountsGoodThe number of credit card accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfCreditCardAccountsBadThe number of credit card accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfRetailAccountsGoodThe number of retail accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfRetailAccountsBadThe number of retail accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfJointLoanAccountsGoodThe number of joint loan accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfJointLoanAccountsBadThe number of joint loan accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfTelecomAccountsGoodThe number of telecom accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfTelecomAccountsBadThe number of telecom accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
NoOfOtherAccountsGoodThe number of other accounts that the consumer has in good standing.
NoOfOtherAccountsBadThe number of other accounts that the consumer has in bad standing.
EnquiryDetailsThis is an array of multiple objects, one for each enquiry that the consumer has made. Each object contains information about a specific enquiry.
SubscriberEnquiryResultIDThe unique identifier for the enquiry result.
ProductIDThe ID of the product that the consumer enquired about.
MatchingRateThe rate at which the consumer's credit profile matches the criteria for the product.
SubscriberEnquiryEngineIDThe ID of the engine that processed the enquiry.pecific enquiry.